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Mercury in Leo
🧐 What happened? Mercury has moved to Leo. 🗓 When? From July 11th till July 28th 🧠 In which areas? Communication, intellection, learning, information, technology, transportation, travel, trade, contracts, planning, organization, meetings. 🤔 How? Our thoughts and speech are influenced by the fiery energy of Leo. There’s no time for thinking too long! The thought is simplified, but its strength and vigor are…
Mercury in Cancer
🧐 What happened? Mercury has moved to Cancer. 🗓 When? From June 27th to July 11th. 🧠 In which areas? Communication, intellection, learning, information, technology, transportation, travel, trade, contracts, planning, organization, meetings. 🤔 What does it mean? It’s time to talk about the innermost. 🦀 How? Mercury in Cancer is not as fast and agile as it is in Gemini. It attempts to express what…