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Mercury in Leo

🧐 What happened? Mercury has moved to Leo.

🗓 When? From July 11th till July 28th

🧠 In which areas? Communication, intellection, learning, information, technology, transportation, travel, trade, contracts, planning, organization, meetings.

🤔 How? Our thoughts and speech are influenced by the fiery energy of Leo. There’s no time for thinking too long! The thought is simplified, but its strength and vigor are intensified: Mercury in Leo is self-assured and knows they are absolutely right.

The speech of Leo Mercury is lively, vibrant, inspiring, and captivating. It’s pleasant to listen to them, especially when they are in a good mood. But better not to argue with them. Instead use the Aquarius’s ingenuity.

When speaking, Leo Mercury expresses themselves. Their emphasis is not on the information itself, but on the energetic impact of words. Through words, they channel a steady flow of energy, which they perceive as the Divine will. Consequently, they don’t think too much; they rule.

🔥 What this period is good for? It’s a time for passionate speeches that come from the heart, as they can ignite a spark in someone else. However, be careful that the spark doesn’t turn into a fire. Make sure that Leo’s energy is supported by objective facts.