First, the connection between planets, and then — the type of aspect

Astrologer, when examining a natal chart, first pay attention to the presence of an aspect between planets and then to the type of that aspect.

An aspect between planets indicates a connection between their principles. Each planet symbolises specific states of consciousness. For example, the Sun represents willpower and focused attention, while the Moon represents relaxation and nurturing. The presence of an aspect between planets indicates that these states of consciousness in the human psyche are connected. This information alone conveys a great deal.

👉 A person who has any kind of aspect between the Sun and Moon differs fundamentally from one without any aspect between them.

In the former case, the principles of will and initiative are connected with adaptability and care. That means that a person cannot relax and get some rest without being concentrated and using their willpower. And by caring for his loved ones, they will always display firmness and a certain imperativeness. While for a person who doesn’t have any aspects between the Sun and Moon, resting and concentrating are two separate states of mind.

A type of the aspect reveals in which form the connection between planets unfolds.

👉 With the trine aspect between the Sun and Moon, concentration will naturally help a person to relax. And in the situation of care, a person will be harmoniously attentive.

👉 With the opposition, a person will be in a constant fight between their own conscious goals and subconscious desires. When they want to focus, something will force them to relax. When they want to relax, something pushes them to be collected.

For the person, this difference between the aspects is essential. However, the principle of a planet doesn’t change regardless of aspect and always remains the same.

👉 Saturn, in aspect with another planet, always deepens and demands a profound understanding of the principles of the planet. In a trine, this happens naturally; in a square, it is tense.

👉 Jupiter always expands and opens new possibilities. In a conjunction, it might go natural, and in a square, the expansion happens not at the right time and in the right direction.

That’s why first we pay attention to the fact of aspect between planets, then we explore the type of that aspect.

💪 Exercise. Identify the key qualities of planets and consider how they manifest depending on 5 major aspects.

For example: An aspect of Saturn always necessitates a deep study of the principles of the planet, precision in its manifestation, discipline, and responsibility. The aspect type illustrates how this necessity manifests.

Conjunction: Saturn freezes the planet until one learns its principle.

Opposition: There’s a desire to explore the planet, but this desire encounters deep resistance.

Trine: Saturn provides abilities of concentration and discipline in spheres of a planet but not more than needed.

Square: Creates a problem. There’s a desire to understand the principles of the planet, but more effort is required than available, and it always ends up being rough.

Sextile: Offers the opportunity to master the principles of the planet perfectly, but it needs to be acknowledged and understood; otherwise, Saturn freezes the planet.