Me, You, and Our Couple Egregore

Exploring Love and Relationships on Retrograde Venus.

Online course on relationships based on astro-psychology. 5 online meetings and a month of self-exploration in a group chat.

€200 €111

Or watch our Introductory Lecture.

Retrograde Venus – Time to Focus on Love

Until the 4th of September, Venus is in retrograde motion. Themes of love and relationships become even more significant than usual. Unresolved past issues, difficulties, and surprises in the realms of social contacts, partnerships, and love are likely to arise.

Now is the perfect time to pause on Venus-related matters and delve into understanding the principles of Venus in our lives: to explore ourselves and our partnership dynamics. That’s what we will do in our course.

What We Study

👉 Love: What is love from a spiritual perspective? Why do we need relationships? How can love help us with our Spiritual growth? How does our mission connect with our relationship?

👉 Self: How does my ideal partner look like and why is it a problem? What are my relationship patterns according to my configuration? What do I truly need in relationships? What partner is destined for me? Where does my perception of love differ from the actual relationships?

👉 Partner Interaction: How can we improve interactions with the partner? How to reduce conflicts? How to better understand our partner and be understood ourselves?

👉 Couple Egregore: What is a Couple Egregore, and how can it assist in relationships?

How it goes

Every Thursday, we have an online lecture in Zoom where we cover the theory and answer questions.

Afterward, we have a week to work on our homework, explore ourselves, and share the results in the group chat.

Who Will Benefit

👉 Those who are seeking relationships and want to better understand themselves.

👉 Those who are already in relationships and want to improve their interactions, reduce conflicts, and better understand their shared mission and how to fulfil it.

Course Curriculum

❤️ Introduction: Love from a Spiritual Perspective

3 Aug

The purpose of relationships

What is love from a spiritual perspective?

The concept of a mission

Love as a force for spiritual development

Love in astrology

🙂 Me: My Partner in the Natal Chart

10 Aug

Polymodality of the psyche

Personal archetypes vs Social

Significators of love: Venus and the 7th House

Opposites attract: the issue of Ascendant and Descendant opposition

7th House in Signs: the character of relationships

Planets in the 7th House: energies of the partner

Ruler of the 7th House: the context of relationships

🙂🙂 You: Communication with the Partner

17 Aug

Seeing the partner

Synastric astrology as a map of the overlay of modalities

Modalities of the psyche: what are they?

Foundational and problematic modalities

Changing modalities as openness to communication

☂️ Our Couple Egregore: Communication under the Umbrella

24 Aug

What is a Couple Egregore?

Attributes of the Couple Egregore

Defining our relationship with the Egregore

Roles and plots

Improving communication with the help of Egregore

Practice / Q&A

31 Aug

Unique information

Information based on astrology, polymodal psychology, and esoteric knowledge. Some concepts, such as Supreme Archetype and Couple Egregore, are unique and not found in English.

Accessible Online from Anywhere, Anytime

We conduct lectures on Zoom every Thursday. Listeners can ask questions and clarify any unclear points. The lectures are recorded, so you can watch them at your convenience.


After each lecture, there will be homework for self-exploration. The assignments are designed to help us better understand ourselves, highlight blind spots, and draw attention to nuances that we usually don’t see.

Chat Communication

A Telegram chat for participants to share the insights, discuss problematic life situations, clarify unclear parts of the lecture and support each other.

Course Objectives

Create space for self-discovery: In this busy world, there is often little time to focus on oneself. During the course, we reserve time to explore ourselves.

Gain knowledge: We get acquainted with ancient systems such as astrology and spirituality combined with modern polymodal psychology approaches.

Receive insights: We create an environment where insights and realizations can manifest.

Connect with like-minded people: The course brings together people interested in self-awareness and personal development.


Alexander Nedoboy

☉♐︎ /☽♍︎ /Asc♌︎

Founder. Educator and Consultant.

A practising astrologer. Consults people, writes articles, conducts workshops, and Astro circles. In his practice, he combines multiple astrological systems with polymodal psychology methods to address the diversity of tasks and clients’ needs.

A proponent of humanistic astrology, with a focus on realizing one’s potential and engaging in constructive work, even with the most challenging aspects. A student of the Humanistic School “Human Being Among People.”

Vafa Vekendra


Co-Founder. Resolves issues and facilitates communication. 

A beginner astrologer, who has spent the last 2 years studying astrology and supreme archetypes in the humanistic school “Human being among people”. Human life with all its depth and mystery is the greatest inspiration for her. Intuition, empathy and curiosity are her main helpers. 

🔥 Made by Sagiplutarium

Sagiplutarium is a school of self-discovery based on astropsychology and magic.

We study the most interesting and mysterious subject – ourselves. To achieve this, we use astrology, polymodal psychology, and esoteric knowledge about the subtle realm.

What people say about our work


Attended Astro Circle

“The session had a nice balance between theory (astrological explanations) and practice (basically sharing our thoughts and experiences). The leaders of the circle created a very safe environment for sharing, listening and observing. Can’t wait to attend again!”


Attended Astro Circle

“Astrocircle was a beautiful experience, it was interesting seeing the different elements expressions so visually. To hear others perceptions about love felt so valuable and inspiring to understand this topic from a new point of view. And want to add it was so lovely!!! I wish we could continue for hours hahah Was so nice to be in the space”


Personal consultation

“Thank you, for such a profound support of your consultation! I was walking under the sun afterwards felt the soft light of clarity and subtle faith after these oddly-struggling period of time in life… Very appreciated about your questions and how the way it unfolds the entanglement of chaos then categorise into specific spaces. Thank you for sharing your information and wisdom.”


Personal consultation

“Had an extensive and deeply insightful session, it helped me to see clearer some major points that need to be worked out in the future. Professional individual approach, atmosphere of trust and collaboration.”


Astrological planning

“In November, we had a consultation, and after it, he sent me a voice message about my transits. I re-listened to it at least 20 times. It made me calm and helped me survive this crazy time.”

Hello! This is Vafa, co-founder of the project.


To participate in the course, please register through the Google form. We will send you a registration confirmation and a link for course payment to your email. After payment, we will add you to the Telegram chat. Every week, we will send you an email with a link to the Zoom conference. After the lecture, you will have access to the recording.

Price: €200 €111

Or watch our Introductory Lecture.