From an early age, many dream of grand love, as depicted in films, books, and fairy tales. This leads to a specific notion of what such love ‘ought to be like’. But where does this feeling come from? The astro-psychological answer: from social archetypes.
What is that?
A social archetype represents a standard model of social interactions. They are socially acceptable forms of interaction between people. Within these archetypes, roles are generally well-defined and understood by all involved. The transmission of social archetypes largely occurs through culture: romantic films, literature, or influencers in social media. Different cultures have slightly different social archetypes.

One example of a social archetype was the image of the perfect American family in the mid-20th century. They lived in their home outside the city. The husband was a respected man who earned the money, while the wife was a homemaker who raised the children. They had a large swimming pool and went for a picnic every Sunday.
Making life simple
Engaging in socially acceptable relationships tends to be simpler due to their predictability. We understand how to behave and what to expect from others. And it’s easier for society to function, relying on understandable relationships.
Consider a young couple that meets during their university years and then marry. Their relationship progresses through milestones that society recognises and celebrates: engagement, wedding, purchasing a home, and having children. Each step is accompanied by societal rituals, like wedding ceremonies and baby showers, which provide a shared script for the couple and their community. This archetype simplifies life by offering a clear, linear progression of relationship stages, making it easier for the couple to navigate their partnership and for society to support them.
There’s a problem
Ideal relationships like in movies suit ideal movie characters, but real people have their own archetypes. This means that an individual’s preferences can differ from the socially acceptable. It’s like forcing someone into an ill-fitting, tight, and restrictive suit. They cannot realise their potential in relationships, causing great suffering to themselves and making their partner unhappy.
What to do?
It’s necessary to discard the social archetypes imposed by culture and understand what kind of love you really need. The higher level of consciousness a person has, the more unique their ideal relationship is.
👉 Some might prefer monogamous, soulful relationships, while others might favour polyamorous, tribal relationships.
👉 Some need a strong partner for support and guidance, while others are strong partners themselves and need a gentle and responsive other half.
👉 Some find it important to talk, discuss and articulate, while others just need to feel, and that’s it.
👉 For some, establishing personal boundaries is essential, while for others, boundaries are harmful.
Astrology helps
Look at Venus and the 7th house. The position of Venus in the sign shows how we express and perceive love. The 7th house governs partnership in general: it shows the type of partners we need, the qualities we need to develop in ourselves and the main patterns in our relationship.
👁️ Pay attention! The 7th house is the opposite of our Ascendant, representing our own personality. This shows that in life, we need partners who complement us, not those who are just like us (as much as we might wish for it). It’s easy to understand mentally, but in practice, it requires a lot of work to build a relationship with someone so different from us.