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Intense time

🗓️ When? From April 20 to May 5.

🤔 How? Background tension, oppressive feelings, poor physical condition, overwhelming energy, tense informational environment.

This is one of the critical points of the year. We can expect an increase in geopolitical tensions, escalation of armed conflicts, worsening of financial crises and other global events that has been happening in recent times. Therefore, it makes sense to avoid mass-media if there are already too many bad news in your life.

😱 Will it affect me? These are mundane aspects that concern society and the world as a whole. If there are no aspects to your natal chart, this period will not affect you.

🕓 Specific aspects:

  • April 20 – Solar Eclipse
  • April 21 – Mercury turns retrograde
  • May 1 – Pluto turns retrograde
  • May 5 – Lunar Eclipse